Become a Sponsor of Fashion On The Hudson July 14, 2018


Fashion on the Hudson was created in 1997 to give Independent and Emerging Fashion Industry talent a platform.  There was Fashion Week, 7th on 6th, but no place for the independent who could not afford those prices, therefore, Fashion on the Hudson was born.

It was initially named 7th on 125th when we were on 125th in front of the Harlem State Office Building, but in 2008, our crowd grew too large when we stopped traffic on 125th and the police had to direct traffic around our crowd (the Cops loved it).  In 2008, we were told to “You Need Central Park or Madison Square Garden, your Audience is too large for 125thStreet), so in 2009 we went to Riverbank State Park, where we have been ever since.

Last year our Fashion on the Hudson show was AMAZING, a MASSIVE CROWD (almost got in trouble again – crowd control).  We are looking for even more this year.  We are asking EVERYONE to mark their calendars, (Saturday July 14, 2018) and make it a point to share this day with us.  This is day of ReBirth, Connecting, Friendships, and Forgiveness.  Think about the reason the event was created in the first place, to give the INDEPENDENT FASHION INDUSTRY TALENT A PLACE!!!!! They need your support, and we need your support.  The show is FREE.  It’s FREE for designers to participate and ITS FREE TO ATTEND.

We will have our Award Ceremony where we will honor the INDEPENDENT FASHION HOUSES, Accessory Designers, Kid Models/Designers and SuperModels.

BENEFITS OF SPONSORSHIP (overview depending on level of sponsorship)

  • Exposure your Product to our Luxury Brand Audience
  • Ability to reach 500,000 eMail subscribers
  • Daily Fashion Blog reaching 70,000 consumers.
  • Email blast to our exclusive Fashion Industry Influencers Private Press Listing
  • Digital placement on our Fashion Events page
  • Blast to additional local Media/Press
  • Placement on Social Media Networks reaching 80,000
  • Placement in entity partners outlets (depending on level of sponsorship)
  • Connect to the most sought after consumer, the Millennium
  • Promote event extensively on social media outlets and print.
  • VIP Seating for Sponsors
  • Pre and post-brand/product placement.
  • Arrange interviews and live streaming with Luxury Brand Influencers about your product. (depends on level of sponsorship

More About this Event

Contact to become a sponsor

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